18 January - Interactive toolkit
Interactive Toolkit – language teacher training model at European level
This toolkit provides a comprehensive collection of learning materials, open education resources, methodological guidelines and examples of best practices for the construction of a foreign language teacher training model at European level.
This initiative falls within the frame of the VIRTEACH Erasmus+ project, A VIRtual Solution for a comprehensive and coordinated training for foreign language TEACHers in Europe.
This toolkit is mainly aimed at lecturers, professors, teachers and researchers in the field of Higher Education.
It is freely available and hosted in the project website.
The partners of the VIRTEACH project have joined efforts to collect materials, resources and best practices to offer an innovative teacher training approach. The materials included in this toolkit have been selected attending to relevance, adequateness and consistency with the current curricula. In addition, this toolkit includes methodological guidelines, evaluation rubrics, recommended literature and research papers for further reading. Based on existing knowledge and partners’ expertise and collaboration, this interactive toolkit comprises a collection of resources, practices and guidelines for foreign language teachers. To this aim, this toolkit includes a systematic literature and research review, with examples of good practices for implementation in foreign language teaching programmes and Masterr Degrees.