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I European Conference on Foreign Language Teacher Education

A Multiplier Event hosted by the University of Burgos

24-25 June, 2021

(An online and free event)


10:00-10:30 Opening and welcome.
Dr. María Amor Barros del Río, University of Burgos. Coordinator of the VIRTEACH project.
10:30-11:00 The VIRTEACH project: presentation and achievements.
The VIRTEACH team.
11:00-11:30h The International Workshop: An assessment of a multiplier event.
Ms. Nele Kelchtermans. UCC Limburg.
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-12:30 Language teacher education today.
Dr. María Amor Barros del Río, University of Burgos.
12:30-13:00h The Interactive Digital Notepad: a Practical Tool for Practicum.
Dr. María Amor Barros del Río. University of Burgos.
13:00-14:00h Keynote speaker: Dr. Katja Mäntylä, University of Turku, Finland. Training foreign language teachers in Finland. Discussion
16:00-17:00 Practical Workshop: How to use the Interactive Digital Notepad. (mainly for lecturers and language teachers)
Dr. Carlos López Nozal and Beatriz Mediavilla Martínez. University of Burgos.


10:00-10:15h Welcome
Dr. María Amor Barros del Río, University of Burgos
10:15-10:45h Quality and Ethics in the VIRTEACH project.
Ms. Nele Kelchtermans. UCC Limburg.
10:45-11:45h Round table: The VIRTEACH Online Course. Discussion.
Ms. Alina Doroch, Collegium Balticum; Dr.Onorina Botezat and Dr. Ramona Mihaila, Cantemir University; Ms. Ana Cunha, Lusófona University, Dr. Concetta M. Sigona, Dr. María Amor Barros and Dr. María Simarro, University of Burgos.
11:45-12:15h Break
12:15-12:45h VIRTEACH White Paper: Recommendations for policy makers in foreign language teacher education. Discussion.
Dr. María Amor Barros del Río, University of Burgos
12:45-13:00h “Spread the word”: communication and dissemination regarding foreign language teacher education.
Ms. Natalia Burdzy. Collegium Balticum.
13:00-14:00h Keynote speaker:
Prof. David Newby. Associate professor, University of Graz, Austria. Adjunct professor, University of Bergen, Norway. Consultant to the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages: principles, practices, prospects. Discussion.
16:00-17:00 Practical Workshop: How to use the VIRTEACH Online Course (mainly for lecturers and language teachers). Ms. Alina Doroch, Collegium Balticum; Dr.Onorina Botezat and Dr. Ramona Mihaila, Cantemir University; Ms. Ana Cunha, Lusófona University, Dr. Concetta M. Sigona, Dr. María Amor Barros and Dr. María Simarro, University of Burgos.
17:00h Closure