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Challenges of Teaching Intercultural Communication (Ramona Mihaila, Professor, Ph.D.,) and Images and Visuals in Teaching Vocabulary


Challenges of Teaching Intercultural Communication (Ramona Mihaila, Professor, Ph.D.,) and Images and Visuals in Teaching Vocabulary

During the 5th edition of the International Conference dedicated to linguistic and pedagogical current issues, organized on November 19-20, 2020, in Poltava, Ukraine,  V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції«АКТУАЛЬНІ ПИТАННЯ ЛІНГВІСТИКИ, ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ЛІНГВОДИДАКТИКИ, ПСИХОЛОГІЇ ІПЕДАГОГІКИ ВИЩОЇ ШКОЛИ» our colleagues from the partner university Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania presented two papers – Challenges of Teaching Intercultural Communication (Ramona Mihaila, Professor, Ph.D.,) and Images and Visuals in Teaching Vocabulary (Onorina Botezat, Associate Professor Ph.D.,) related to their research conducted within the project and disseminated the VIRTEACH Project. Extensive abstracts may be consulted