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The purpose of this congress is to present the results of the development of the project "Specialised and updated training supporting advance technologies for early childhood", eEarlyCare-T. This is an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and innovative project focused on updating the training of practising professionals and new professionals in the field of early childhood care (ages 0-6 years). The training activities developed have applied innovative teaching methodologies based on the use of different technological resources (avatars, gamification, laboratories and virtual reality).

This training process has been implemented in a virtual learning environment (VLE) that facilitates self-assessment and personalised learning. Artificial intelligence techniques applied to the analysis of learning behaviours found in the VLE were used to adapt the materials and learning resources. The ultimate goal of this process has been to understand the different profiles and learning patterns of the participants in order to achieve personalised learning. This teaching methodology is called Evidence-based Learning and Advanced Learning Technologies. Specifically, the eEarlyCare-T project has developed two learning outcomes:

The development of training modules and their integration into the VLE and the development of virtual laboratories that apply simulation practices through virtual reality techniques. The use of these innovative resources is aimed at training graduate professionals through work in virtual learning environments, the ultimate objective being to increase their digital competences. These skills are based on the use of technological advances and artificial intelligence applied to the processes of assessment and early intervention. This project is also based on the European strategy to ensure a human-centred development of artificial intelligence. Likewise, this project is fully aligned with the guidelines of the regional research strategy (RIS3 2021-2027), considering the dissemination to society of contents related to social inclusion and quality education throughout life, goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda.