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MASTED and the importance of the STEAM approach for education of the 21st century

April 2023. MASTED and the importance of the STEAM approach for education of the 21st century

The dissemination event organized by the MASTED partners that was held on April 25, 2023, was received with great interest by the attendees. The online and deferred format, as well as its clear and concise message, were the incentive to arouse public interest and encourage suggestions, doubts and comments, being able to make a positive assessment of it.

Given the scope, objectives, mission and vision of the MASTED project and being aimed at a diverse and international public, the dissemination of this particular event has been carried out among associations of education professionals, student groups, quality agencies related to the sector education and administrative bodies managing the educational system or linked to it in some way. The result has been almost 110 registered participants from Spain, Sweden, Luxembourg, Turkey, Brazil, Armenia, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Denmark, Slovakia, Albania and Portugal.

Focused on the added value of MASTED and how STEAM can promote a necessary change in the educational system at all levels, the event has had the following agenda:

  • What is MASTED? Importance of STEAM as an agent of change.
  • Contribution of MASTED degree to the educational change. Need and added value.
    • How does MASTED take up the challenges of the present and future?
    • What does each partner contribute to the excellence of this master’s degree?


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