EMaCS applies for the 2024 Erasmus Mundus call with accreditation from the European Approach
EMaCS applies for the 2024 Erasmus Mundus call with accreditation from the European Approach

Governance bodies, agreements, procedures, requirements, content, titles… The quality of the Master in Computer Science for the Human-Centric and Sustainable Industry (EMaCS), jointly designed and developed by 5 Higher Education Institutions from Spain, Portugal, Germany, Finland, and Romania, has been accredited with the demanding European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programs (EA).
Joint programs are of great interest to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), as they contribute to improving student and staff mobility, facilitating mutual learning and cooperation opportunities, and creating excellent programs that offer a genuine learning experience to students, fostering global talent attraction. However, these programs still face numerous obstacles in their implementation phase due to issues of recognition and compliance with national quality standards, often hindering their development and implementation. The Master in Computer Science for the Human-Centric and Sustainable Industry (EMaCS), coordinated by the University of Burgos through PhD researcher Bruno Baruque Zanón, is an exception.
Developed jointly by the University of Burgos, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra in Portugal, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg in Germany, Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara in Romania, and Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu in Finland, EMaCS has successfully applied for the 2024 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program call, and the achievement of the European Approach accreditation ensures its joint development, quality, and compliance with the various national standards of the partners.
The evaluation by the Panel of Experts convened by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León (ACSUCyL) to comply with the accreditation request submitted by the University of Burgos on behalf of the EMaCS Consortium is as follows:
“[…] The self-assessment report, the extensive programme materials before the site visit and on site and the conversations with highly motivated delegations have provided the panel with a comprehensive view of the programme. According to the panel, who based its assessment on the standards of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, the EMaCS programme fulfils all standards. Consequently, the panel assesses the overall quality of the programme as positive. […]”
The final report with approval can be found in the Library of the official EMaCS website.