Universidad de Burgos

Universidad de Burgos is a Spanish public university, recognized among the best young universities in the world (fifth in the U-Ranking 2022; 215th in THE-IMPACT ranking 2022; 989th in THE World University Ranking, among others), noted for teaching a comprehensive and quality teaching, very close to the student and focused on internationalization.
Founded in 1994, UBU is already a benchmark for research Spanish university and knowledge transfer to the business world. Recognized by the Ministry of Education as a Campus of International Excellence, among its latest achievements, it counts having joined the European alliance of RUN-EU universities.
Located in a medium-sized, welcoming city with a business world that makes it the main industrial center of Castilla y León, Universidad de Burgos has the most modern facilities, laboratories, workshops and libraries, as well as television stations and own radio and a wide cultural and sports offer.
It currently has almost 10000 students, six faculties, a Higher Polytechnic School and two annexed Schools, which makes it a medium-sized University without the effects of overcrowding and excessive dispersion.
UBU is divided into two campuses. Vena Campus and San Amaro Campus (Hospital del Rey). The latter is, in turn, the headquarters of the University and houses the Rector's Office and the Faculty of Law, constituting a first-rate historical-artistic enclave.
It has a highly qualified teaching staff committed to research, knowledge transfer and the use of new technologies applied to teaching. It currently offers 26 degrees, 5 of which are taught online and face-to-face and 2 are bilingual in English and Spanish, as well as 7 double degrees, 27 master's degrees, 13 doctoral programs and 16 of its own titles.
This teaching offer focuses, as a priority, on facilitating the employability of its graduates, through the establishment of internship agreements, both curricular and extracurricular, with the powerful business and industrial network of the region and international companies. It has a comprehensive student guidance service in charge of tutoring students throughout their academic career.
The vocation for internationalization is another of the hallmarks of the Universidad de Burgos. This makes it possible for practically all of its students to complete their training at universities of recognized international prestige, thanks to the numerous ERASMUS and UBU-GLOBAL agreements (in Asia and America), as well as international cooperation scholarships throughout the world, which offers.
International web page of the Universidad de Burgos
c/ Hospital del Rey, s/n
09001 – Burgos (Spain)
+ 34 947 25 88 40
Director of a Consolidated Research Unit in the area of Education and tenured professor at Universidad de Burgos. She is also a professor of Mathematics, Physics and Cosmography at Universidad de Entre Ríos (Argentina), and a PhD in Physics, specializing in Physics Didactics, from Federal Universidade of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
She is a researcher in the Area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences. Her bibliographic production includes 6 books, 11 book chapters (3 in international handbooks) and more than 70 research articles in indexed national and international journals, 28 of which in ISI Web of Knowledge journals.
She is visiting professor of the doctoral program in Teaching, History and Philosophy of Sciences at Universidade Federal de Bahía (Brazil) and professor of the Department of Specific Didactics of Universidad de Burgos, where she is also coordinator of the Master's Degree in Educational Research and Innovation.
Doctor in Humanities and Education from Universidad de Burgos, she also has a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Prehistory and Archeology from National University of Distance Education of Spain. She is currently a professor of the subjects "Social Sciences and their curricular development in Early Childhood Education" and "ICT in the teaching of Social Sciences", both in the Early Childhood Education degree, as well as the Interuniversity Experience Program in Burgos, in the subjects "History of Spain" and "History of Art".
Researcher in different lines related to innovation in the Didactics of Social Sciences, she has published 7 articles, a chapter and a book. She has also collaborated and participated in seminars and courses at University of Yucatán (Mérida, Mexico) and at Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Doctor in Didactics of History and Social Sciences from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Doctor in Education from Universidad de Burgos and Doctor in American History from Universidad de Extremadura. He has focused his research interests on the construction processes of Ibero-American cultural identity, on the analysis of the discursive mechanisms of cultural representations from the theoretical-methodological principles of historical anthropology, ethnohistory and the history of mentalities, on historical-critical pedagogy and in the inclusion of social problems in education.
These lines of research have formed the basis of his activity as a full-time professor at Universities of Granada, Extremadura and Burgos. The quality and dissemination of his research production are endorsed by numerous scientific publications, by his participation as a guest lecturer at various European and American universities, and by his appointment by the Embassy of Peru in Singapore as International Scientific Advisor and guest researcher for dissemination. social and educational identity, culture and Peruvian history.
PhD from the Universidad de Valladolid, she has a Diploma in Basic General Education Teachers in the Specialty of Spanish Language and Modern Languages (English) and a Degree in English Philology from Universidad de Valladolid. Since the 1993-1994 academic year, she has been a professor in the Area of Didactics of Language and Literature (PTEU) at Universidad de Burgos. She is also the Director of the Teaching Innovation Group "Co-teaching in inclusive and integrative initial training (CEFI)" since 2021. Between 2000 and 2003 she served as Director of the International Spanish Courses at Universidad de Burgos and, since 2000, she is coordinator of exchange programs for student internships in various European schools. She has been Erasmus academic coordinator between different European universities.
Her teaching and research activity is focused on the training of foreign language (English) teachers at different educational levels, with 28 publications including articles, books, chapters and conference papers. She has participated in several national and international projects, highlighting the Comenius 2.1 (Training and further education of school personnel) and COALA (Communication and language promotion in training pre-school teachers) projects that focus on the intercultural dimension of teacher training in languages.
PhD in Humanities, she has 4 degrees (2 for Arts and Humanities and 2 for Music) and is a tenured professor in the Art History Department of Universidad de Burgos. Director of international courses and of the Associated R&D Unit at the CSIC "Glass and Cultural Heritage Materials (VIMPAC)", she is coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master in ARCHaelogical MATerials Sciences (ARCHMAT) at Universidad de Burgos and has been coordinator of the European project Marie Curie Actions H2020.MSCA-ITN-EJD: European Doctorate in ARCHaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerial Sciences (ED-ARCHMAT).
She is also Secretary of the "Art, Archaeometry and Heritage" Section of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass (SECV) and Responsible Delegate of the SECV in the TECHNOHERITAGE Network of Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, as well as a member of the Consolidated Research Unit "Integrated Teaching and Transdisciplinarity" and the Scientific Committee of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago (AMCS).
She has a total of 78 publications including articles (19), books (18), book chapters (35), contributions to congress (5) and others and, in 2017, he obtained the First Research Prize at the VI Awards of the Social Council of Universidad de Burgos and the Grupo Compostela-Xunta de Galicia International Award in 2018.
International PhD in Educational Sciences (Magna Cum Laude, Extraordinary Award), he is currently Assistant Professor at Universidad de Burgos (Spain). His research activity is articulated around three main themes: (i) the study of attitudes towards science and scientific motivation; (ii) the development and evaluation of integrated STEM units; and (iii) the development of psychometric instruments and analysis.
He has participated in different research projects funded by European, national and regional organizations and has taught university teaching related to the Didactics of Experimental Sciences in the Grades of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education. Part of the results obtained have been transferred to the educational reality through the creation of a "School inquiry kit for STEM teaching in Primary Education", granted by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Knowledge Transfer of Universidad de Burgos under the T-cue plan (University-Business Knowledge Transfer).
Professor in the Area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences at Universidad de Burgos. Graduated in Primary Education Teacher from Universidad de Burgos (UBU), Master in Advanced Studies in Primary Education from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and doctorate in Education from UBU with international mention, outstanding qualification (cum laude) and extraordinary doctorate award.
Her main lines of research are skills development, teaching and learning science in compulsory school stages through integrated approaches, and the Nature of Science. Her scientific production has several articles and book chapters published in high-impact journals and prestigious publishers, as well as numerous communications in national and international conferences.
She has carried out two research stays at Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and at National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). She is also part of the research team of several competitive projects (institutional, regional, national and international) and is currently a member of the Science Teaching and Learning Teaching Innovation Group (GIDEAC) and the Science Teaching and Learning Research Group (GIEC)) from Universidad de Burgos. She is a collaborator of the Group of Epistemology, History and Didactics of Natural Sciences (GEHyD) of Universidad de Buenos Aires.