Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave

IPCA is the most recent Public HEI in Portugal, founded in 1994. Located in a region known for its significant economic activity and by the youth of its population, IPCA has played an important role of development agent in the region, being present in six municipalities of the Cávado and Ave Valley (Barcelos, Braga, Guimarães, Famalicão, Esposende and Vila Verde).
IPCA has 5 dynamic Schools in the areas of Design, Management, Technology and Hospitality & Tourism, offering a broad range of Bachelor, Master and Professional Short-cycle Courses. A student population of over 6800 students together with 460 teachers, researchers and administrative staff make IPCA an important reference in the Portuguese Higher Education landscape.
The pro-active participation in international academic cooperation projects and the fostering of strategic alliances, co-creation platforms and collaborative networks are an explicit and integrated part of IPCA’s internationalization and modernization strategy. IPCA’s integration in the European University RUN-EU represents a quantum leap opportunity for systemic change and for enhancement of its international dimension. IPCA’s R&D+I activities’ quality and impact have been recently recognized by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT)’s evaluation that rated the ID+ “Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture” with Very Good. IPCA is one of the management units of ID+ together Universities of Porto and Aveiro.
Web page of the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
Vila Frescaínha S. Martinho
4750-810 Barcelos – Portugal
(+351) 253 802 207
He is graduated in Industrial Electronics Engineering and has a PhD in Information Technologies and Systems, from the University of Minho. Since 2011, is an Adjunct Professor in Computer Graphics and Multimedia, at the EST-IPCA.
Duarte Duque is: Member of the Council of the Department of Technologies of EST; Member of the Scientific-Technical Council of EST; and Member of the steering committee of the international conference SeGAH. Since 2021, is Director of the Intelligent and Creative Cyber-Physical Systems Department.
She works as Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and the Ave. She has a PhD in Human Computer Interaction, titled “Multimedia Interaction and Access Based on Emotions: Automating Video Elicited Emotions Recognition And Visualization” at the Human Computer Interaction and Multimedia Group (HCIM) – of the Large-Scale Informatics Systems Laboratory (LaSIGE), a research unit of the Informatics Department (DI) of the Faculty of Sciences (FC), University of Lisbon (UL).
My research interests are serious games focused on psychotherapy in adults. Also interested in game design and player experience studies being guided by human computer interaction foundations. In general, every research I supervise and in which I’m involved has one common characteristic, to enhance people’s life. As example, a system to help blind people to combine their clothes, or a VR system to help people deal with homophobia or an app to help growing up in border regions in Portugal.
Currently lecturer on Digital Games Development Engineering and Computer Science at IPCA and director of the Digital Games Development Master at IPCA. I am also and member of the organization committee of SEGAH – an IEEE conference on Serious Games an Applications for Health.
Associate Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal. He obtained his PhD in Electronics and Computing from the University of Minho, Portugal, in 2008 and has been actively involved in research since then. In February 2018, he funds 2Ai research center, that coordinates. Since 2021, he is also the Pro-President for R&D at IPCA.
He focuses on challenge-driven research to solve problems for clinicians and surgeons, particularly in medical imaging, artificial intelligence, and robotics, with over 125 indexed papers and 10 patents in the field.
He holds a PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering and a Master's Degree in Computer Graphics from the University of Minho, and a BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico.
He is Assistant Professor at IPCA and is Director of the MSc in Electronics and Computer Engineering, He is an integrated researcher at 2Ai. His research interests are Computer Vision, 3D reconstruction, Machine Learning, Digital Systems, Microcontrollers, GPUs, and FPGAs for AI implementations.
Was got a product design degree in 2003 and moved into the game development industry in the same year, at Eworks Studios in lisbon. I later moved to Real Time Solutions, as lead 3d Artist.
In 2006 I founded Vortix Games Studios with a partner, and produced games for online game platforms, as well as mobile games.
From then I moved to the freelance, producing content for companies such as The Mill,, and more recently Mojang and ZA/UM.
He holds a degree in Industrial Electronics and Computer Engineering from the University of Minho and a PhD in Electronics and Instrumentation from the same university, where he acquired strong skills in the areas of Brain-Machine Interface, Telemetry Systems and Electrodes for Biopotentials.
He is CTO at MindProber since 2016 and co-organizer of the international conference IEEE Serious Games and Applications for Health (SEGAH) since 2011. He is, since 2022, Coordinating Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado e do Ave (IPCA), where he teaches since 2010. He was Director of the Medical Informatics course and Director of the Master in Electronics and Computers Engineering, as well as coordinator of the Electronics and Instrumentation area.
Nuno is an integrated member of the Applied Artificial Intelligence (2AI) research centre at IPCA. He was previously principal investigator of an R&D project funded by FCT (PTDC/SAU-ENB/118383/2010, “Cognitive Rehabilitation Based on Brain-Machine Interface”) and of the myBrain module of project ADI nº 13853, (Translation of technology) PPS4 -MyHealth, both project ran between 2011 and 2014.
Nuno is the principal investigator of the ImpacTV project funded by ANI with a budget of 800k€, in co-promotion between MindProber, IPCA and NOS Comunicações. Nuno is the author of a provisional patent application (P155.2 PP 2015.04.16 - CAP WITH RETRACTABLE ELECTRODE PINS FOR USE IN EEG) and author of more than 65 scientific publications, of which 22 are published in peer-reviewed international journals.
She is graduated in Mathematics and has a PhD degree in Education, Specialization in Educational Technology from the University of Minho. She is currently an Assistant Teacher and Director of the Master in Technologies for STEAM Education Support at the Higher School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA). She is an Researcher at the Research Centre on Education (CIEd) from Minho University and a Collaborator at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (2Ai) at IPCA.
She is a Specialist in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at IPCA, Portugal. After her studies in Economics, Teresa worked for several years in the automotive industry, as General Manager of the Portuguese Association of Automotive Suppliers, covering Portugal, Europe, and America. She was the Portuguese representative near the EAAS/CLEPA European Association of Automotive Suppliers, leading several national and international projects. She founded her first company in 1995. Nowadays Teresa is a professor and a co-promotor of different businesses and activities.
He holds a PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering, in the field of Industrial Informatics, from the University of Minho (UM); a Master's degree in Multimedia Formation and Communication from the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP); and a Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technologies from UCP.
He is currently an Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Minho (UMinho), an Invited Assistant Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), and an Invited Assistant at the Higher School of Technology (EST) of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA).
His main teaching and research interests are in the area of digital games (various dimensions), physical computing, computer vision, artificial intelligence, software engineering and multimedia. He is currently a collaborator member of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (2AI) of IPCA and a collaborator member of the Algoritmi Research and Development Center at the University of Minho.
He is the author and editor of several international publications, including books, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He has published in various international scientific journals and conference proceedings indexed by ISI – Institute for Scientific Information, SCOPUS, among other references, and several of these publications have been cited by the scientific community.
He holds a PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering, in the field of Industrial Informatics, from the University of Minho (UM); a Master's degree in Multimedia Formation and Communication from the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP); and a Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technologies from UCP.
He is currently an Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Minho (UMinho), an Invited Assistant Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), and an Invited Assistant at the Higher School of Technology (EST) of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA).
His main teaching and research interests are in the area of digital games (various dimensions), physical computing, computer vision, artificial intelligence, software engineering and multimedia. He is currently a collaborator member of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (2AI) of IPCA and a collaborator member of the Algoritmi Research and Development Center at the University of Minho.
He is the author and editor of several international publications, including books, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He has published in various international scientific journals and conference proceedings indexed by ISI – Institute for Scientific Information, SCOPUS, among other references, and several of these publications have been cited by the scientific community.